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VAGAS: MAERSK (inglês exigido)

26 de set. de 2008

JOIN THE NEW MAERSK INTERNATIONAL FINANCE PROGRAMME - You are not just into figures - you are especially good as figuring out. Take advantage of your financial knowledge and use it as a tool in modern business development. The new Maersk International Finance Programme aims to speed up your professional and personal development, providing you with knowledge, tools, and experience that increase your likelihood of becoming an acclaimed and influential finance professional within our world-wide organisation. The 2 years programme combines on-the-job training in two positions with selected theoretical studies, and enables to become a worlds-class finance professional delivering advanced solutions to your working challenges. CAREER PROSPECTS - Upon completion of the programme, you will continue your career in the A.P. Moller - Maersk Group. One opportunity will be to pursue a managerial career by working broadly with a number of financial disciplines. Another is to become more specialised within your particular field of interest. Either way, you will constantly be offered challenging assignments in an inspiring, international business context where your contribution will have direct impact on our results and development. Later on, top performes with a proven track record are invited to attend executive training at the likes of Wharton, Harvard, Insead, London Business School, etc. CANDIDATE PROFILE: You aspire to use financial knowledge as a tool to develop our business and possess a high analytical capacity as well as drive, energy, and enthusiasm. These charcteristics enable you to take on assignments in an independent and proactive manner. The programme is designed for university/business school graduates with a degree within finance, accounting, auditing, and/or business administration. It is essential that you have tried using a number of financial disciplines at school and/or in business life prior to joining the programme.

Please apply online. For further information about our company, the programme, recruitment process, and application, please visit website.


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